Intermediate Workshop

Learn how to personalise the software and use its searching, data-mining and analytical tools to empower your analysis, whether your charts are created by hand or through data importation.

This Intermediate i2 Analyst's Notebook training course is an essential workshop for all Analyst's Notebook users and a prerequisite for the Advanced workshop.

(Most clients combine our Basic and Intermediate workshops into a single training workshop.)

Why run an Intermediate workshop?

Our Intermediate workshop releases the full visualisation, presentation, query, data-mining and analytical power of the software.

It builds on the foundations and manual charting drawing covered in the Basic workshop and prepares the user for automating chart creation in our Advanced workshop.

This workshop ensures users have the skills which are vital to understanding how to enhance basic charts; interact with presentation and reporting software; interrogate and analyse your charts; and understand the best way to construct manual or automated charts to empower analysis.
Who should attend?

This workshop is vital for all Analyst's Notebook users and, most particularly, for users who want to interrogate, data-mine, analyse and draw insight and understanding from their charts then share that intelligence effectively.
What is covered?

Designed to follow on from and build on the material covered in the (prerequisite) Basic workshop, this interactive "hands-on" workshop is full of practical application, ensuring that users can interrogate and analyse even the most complex i2 charts from the moment they return to work.

After this workshop, your staff will have the essential skills to:

enhance basic charts, improving visualisation and providing more information in the simplest manner;

add images, documents and videos to enhance the appearance and value of charts;

extract charts, parts of charts, or text content from charts and place these in commonly used applications, such as Microsoft Office, for written reports or visual presentations;

conduct complex searches and queries on charts;

data-mine, filter and analyse chart content using a range of analytical tools including histograms and conditional formats;

create sub-charts from large and complex charts;

construct link charts which easily convert to event charts and vice-versa;

analyse social networks and clusters of connectivity and visualise data in GIS applications, such as Google Earth and ArcGIS.

What else should I know?
Our workshops can use generic scenarios designed to cover all key functionality, or customised material developed specifically to meet your needs or area of operation.

Our Analyst’s Notebook workshops use real-world content to actively engage adult learners, building the knowledge and skills analytical staff need to build robust intelligence products.

Our training services build the people and skills to most effectively use analytical software to support analysis and deliver the insight needed to drive success.
Our consulting services help you develop the structures, systems and processes which underpin an effective and successful intelligence capability, including the selection and use of software to support intelligence functions.
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